
High quality of services and management system which characterize Mostostal Zabrze Holding S.A., has been again noticed and rewarded. This time, Mostostal received two titles within Polish nationwide competition named “The Highest Quality - Quality International 2013”

High quality of services and management system which characterize Mostostal Zabrze Holding S.A., has been again noticed and rewarded. This time, Mostostal received two titles within Polish nationwide competition named “The Highest Quality – Quality International 2013”, i.e.: IQ order – the highest quality management and IQ services – the highest quality services.

“The Highest Quality QI” is a all-Poland contest which embraces representatives of the companies and institutions operating throughout the country. It is organized under the patronage of the following bodies: The Ministry of Regional Development, POLISH FORUM ISO 9000 Club, and The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development.

One of the main goals of this competition is to point out and promote the companies and institutions which embody the highest standards and guarantee that their customers and consumers obtain the highest quality products and services.

Winning “The Highest Quality Certificate” is the acknowledgement that Mostostal Zabrze Holding S.A. applies the highest standards and provides top quality services.