
One of the priorities in construction and erection activities performed by Mostostal Zabrze Group  is constant improvement of safety on our construction sites. „Safety in practice” is our motto.

One of the key elements aiming at safety enhancement is ensuring appropriate trainings for our staff that will enrich their knowledge about safe job as well as make them more cautious and aware about near misses.

During execution of contracts for KT Kinetics Technology Sp.A. within EFRA Project at LOTOS Gdańsk, in early February, 2017 Mostostal Zabrze S.A. contracted the company ROJAM specialized in access rope techniques to carry out the training for our empoloyees at site. The total number of participants exceeded 170 ppl and training was divided in practical and theoritical parts.

The main objective of the training was to make people aware of the dangers whilst working at heights with focus on performing works during heavy lifting.

Employees were actively participating and the training enjoyed popularity and positive feedback. Besides, during practical part of the training the staff working for other contractors also  had a chance to learn new things.

It is worth emphasizing that this was only one of the planned, monthly trainings to be provided.