
Special Purpose Donation Fund

7 September 2020

We are an organization sensitive to injustice and poverty, maladjustment and social exclusion as well as illness and suffering. That is why for years we have been taking steps to help, including financial support for those who, in our opinion, need it most.

Consortium of MOSTOSTAL ZABRZE GPBP S.A. with a contract for the construction of Transfer Center in Gliwice

31 August 2020

On August 27th 2020, the Consortium of companies: MOSTOSTAL ZABRZE Gliwickie Przedsiębiorstwo Budownictwa Przemysłowego Spółka Akcyjna (company of the MOSTOSTAL ZABRZE Group) and Przedsiębiorstwo Remontów Ulic i Mostów Spółka Akcyjna signed a contract for the construction of a transfer center in Gliwice…

Cooperation with WTZ

26 May 2020

Cooperation with WTZ Cooperation with the Occupational Therapy Workshop of the Polish Association for Persons with Mental Handicap Circle in Chorzów. Cooperation with WTZ has lasted for 6 years. In 2014. MOSTOSTAL ZABRZE S.A. financed the „Znicz” project, the aim of which was to implement a new form of vocational rehabilitation in WTZ by producing candles. As part of the project, a machine producing an input for a candle or wax […]

The Scholarship Programme

26 May 2020

SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMME VI EDITION It is with great joy and satisfaction that we would like to inform you that the Mostostal Zabrze Capital Group continues its activities related to supporting, promoting and assisting in the career development of children of the employees of the Mostostal Zabrze Capital Group. The Scholarship Programme may be joined by anyone who meets the following conditions: – is a student of grades […]