
Mostostal Zabrze Group on the construction site of Europe’s biggest battery plant

10 August 2018

A company of Mostostal Zabrze Group will construct two halls in Kobierzyce near Wroclaw for LG Chemical Wrocław Energy Sp. z o.o. as part of the automotive battery manufacturing plant being built by the Korean investor…

Stellar performance in construction

8 August 2018

A company from the Mostostal Zabrze Group has signed a contract for the construction of a concert hall with the 1st and 2nd Degree of State Music School in Jastrzebie-Zdrój…

Sports facility construction

9 July 2018

“Construction of the gymnasium at the Sports School in Zabrze at ul. Płaskowicka 2 with accompanying road and technical infrastructure” is another contract signed by the company from the Mostostal Zabrze Group. The value of the investment amounts to PLN 11.6 mln net…

Contract for the construction of hospital in Zielona Góra signed

16 May 2018

The Company from the Mostostal Zabrze Group signed a contract for the construction of the Child’s and Mother’s Health Centre (Centrum Zdrowia Matki i Dziecka) in Szpital Uniwersytecki im. Karola Marcinkowskiego w Zielonej Górze Sp. z o.o…